Brunei Darussalam Long-Term Development Plan.
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Our efforts to improve citizens’ well-being.
High quality knowledge and skills for nation building.
Information Technology as an enabler to achieve Wawasan Brunei 2035.
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Efforts to address environmental and natural resources management issues.
View Titah, Sabda & Official Speeches.
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Zakat, halal, converting to Islam.
Scholarships, government education loan, admissions.
Government vacancies, recruitment of foreign labour, TAP, SCP.
Social cases, marriage, counselling.
Utilities, land development, recycling.
Driving license, vehicle license, demerit points system (SIKAP).
Health assessment, Healthcare Information and Management System (BruHIMS).
Birth certificate, identification card, visa, passport, permits.
Starting a business, customs, tax.
Constitutional documents, Syariah Penal Order.
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From ministries to departments to statutory board to other organisations.