This service is provided by Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation under the Ministry of Development,
The import and export of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) is regulated under the Customs Order 2006, which designates that only the importer/exporter, registered under the Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation (DEPR) and has an approved Application Permit (AP) issued by DEPR is allowed to import / export ODS in accordance with the quantity specified in the AP.
General Prerequisite / Criteria
register as supplier / importer / exporter of controlled substances with the Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation.
Online Prerequisite/ Criteria
- Register to the Brunei Darussalam National Single Window (BDNSW) , to get User Name and Password (Recommend to use Google Chrome).
- Attend the training course provided by the Royal Custom and Excise Department on the use of Brunei Darussalam National Single Window online system
How to use the Service
Offline Procedure
Non-online procedure applies whenever the BDNSW system is down.
Department of Environment, Parks And Recreation
Ministry of Development Tumasek Plaza Building
Jalan Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha
BA 2111 Brunei Darussalam.
- Wait for reply from the Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation
Online Procedure
Procedures will be based on the module of the training course provided by the Royal Custom and Excise Department on the use of BDNSW System.